Saturday, February 28, 2009

Phoenix Zoo

When our Colorado family visit, we enjoyed a

trip to the zoo. It was a lot of fun and Sam

enjoyed being out and about....and the turkeys.

Here are some pics from the zoo visit.

Grandpa and Grandma Ellis, Uncle Chris, Aunt

Lindsey, Cousin Connor, me and Sam outside

the zoo.

Connor and Sam driving a tractor, with a little

help from me and Chris

Grandma and Connor

Sam, Connor, me and Lindsey

Grandma and Grandpa with their favorite

little ones

Sam meets her first donkey

Grandma, Connor and some random girl

Sam and the turkeys....she was so entranced

by the turkeys, as were the turkeys with her.

Sam at the petting zoo

Grandpa and his new friend

Sam meets someone more her size

My brother and I with our kids

The cousins

Grandpa, Grandma, Uncle and Sam

Our new friend from the monkey cage

Chris and Connor enjoying the monkeys

Walking out of the monkey cage

Me and Sam

Chris and Connor at the rhino

What a good looking group!

Linds, me and the kids

Chris and Connor at the giraffes

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